There is a well-marketed attitude that we should feel “less than” if we don’t pursue something productive every day….and yet, isn’t the definition of retirement exactly to feel okay about kicking back more often than not and enjoying the little things or the nothingness of a luxuriously loaming afternoon with a expansive blank agenda?
Who sets these standards for us? “They” do, that’s who. You know, it’s the proverbial “they” that set the guidelines for a lot of what we say, do, buy, feel and express. I hate to admit it, but I am often gullible enough to accept what “they” say. For example, I feel proud when described as “She’s busier now that she ever was before retirement.” I wear this comment like a badge of creative and life-fulfilling honor. I’m no goof off, no slacker retiree who is relaxed, mellow and contented! Say what?????
When people ask
you how you are, do you respond rapid fire with a litany of all that you are
doing in your busy weeks? A friend of mine would do this all the time but, once
when I asked her again, more seriously, “Yeah, but how are you REALLY doing?”
she’d almost burst into tears. She hadn't slowed down long enough to feel much of anything.
Is your schedule
always filled but your life isn’t fulfilling? Perhaps, like me, you’re buying
into what “they” say we should be doing during retirement. To get a better handle
on how my retirement is going I looked at the following seven benchmarks:
Do I wake with enthusiasm, eager to enjoy what
the day has to offer?
Is there enough white space on my monthly
to make room for some serious
goof-off time?
Do I feel fulfilled for the most part with
and family fellowship?
Do acquaintances feel I’m available for a
moment coffee date?
moment coffee date?
Do I spend the majority of my time talking about
things in life rather than the aches and pains, the
weather or the economy?
things in life rather than the aches and pains, the
weather or the economy?
Do I feel like I'm living my life based on what I want to
do rather than what others expect me to be doing?
do rather than what others expect me to be doing?
At the
end of the day, do I feel okay about
myself even if I don’t have something
tangible to show for my day, like piles
of clean laundry, pages of written text
or a garden free of weeds?
myself even if I don’t have something
tangible to show for my day, like piles
of clean laundry, pages of written text
or a garden free of weeds?
If I can answer “yes” to a majority of these, I’m on
the right track in my retirement. Hey,
don’t get me wrong. I can feel like a real slug that has nothing to show for my
time if I spend the entire day reading – even if it’s for research. I’m not always doing
the best at retirement, but I keep trying to keep things in balance.
I believe the best way to determine if you’re doing
retirement right is to ask yourself if you are living a meaningful life. If the
answer is “yes,” like it is for me most of the time, that’s all we can ask for.
Like everything else, it’s a process.
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